Have You Read.. Volume #2

My Book Rating: 📔📙📕📗📘

5 out of 5 Books!
(Instead of stars 😉)
A Book Review of
Girl, Wash Your Face (Rachel Hollis)

 I chose to read Girl, Wash Your Face, because it came highly recommended by a friend of mine, who happened to know a little about some of the struggles I face daily. So, call me curious, I looked up the synopsis of the book and the first thing to come up was the YouTube Preview of Girl, wash your face and let me tell you- I had GOOSEBUMPS! I knew then, that I had to read that book! 

 Now, to be fair, I had never heard of Rachel Hollis before then, let alone that she was an author, but the overwhelming feeling I got from the preview demanded I give it a try. I will also admit, that (as I waited for my new book to arrive) I did a little research on the author and the book. I found that Rachel Hollis has several podcasts, a blog, an event business, cookbooks, novels, you name it! Gosh! She is just the epitome of my dream life! 

 After listening to a few episodes of her RISE podcast I knew this book would be amazing to listen to on audio- ESPECIALLY if it was narrated by Rachel, herself! But I digress! This review is based off of the hardcover edition (as it is less likely to get destroyed by the hands of my toddler than a paperback..).  So, without further a do, here are my thoughts on Girl, wash your face.


Girl, Wash Your Face is considered to be a Christian Self-help book that helps it's readers "break free from the lies keeping them from the joy-filled life they were meant to have." (R.Hollis) Rachel inspires women to live with passion, have faith, hustle, and be tenacious when it comes to reaching your dreams and goals.
The chapters are short and funny making it a quick and entertaining read. The beginning kind of dragged on a bit but after the first chapter it picks up speed and stays pretty steady. This author's writing style is what makes the book seem like a real conversation between her and the reader. She writes like she talks and keeps everything honest and carefree, as if she doesn't care if you agree with her or not, she's going to say what's on her mind anyway. 
There are so many take-aways I got from this book that it was hard to choose just a few, so I wrote them all down- there were at least 60!! No matter where you are in your journey, there is something in this book that will speak to you.
I do want to mention one area of discussion- the mixed reviews on the "Christian" aspect of the book. I was wary of what I would find because I, myself, am a Christian- but I needn't have worried. Rachel Hollis touches on the same beliefs as me and even made some things clearer for me. I think that as long as you keep an open mind, you'll love this book too.


What surprised me the most about this book is that I could relate to most of what she wrote about. I literally felt like she was sitting in the room with me, talking directly to me. Giving me the most funny, encouraging, heart-to-heart "chiding" yet inspirational talk ever...in my life! I actually got up and WASHED MY FACE!

 I cried through several chapters because she seemed to speak directly to me and using my issues and past experiences as examples- not her own. As if she was giving me the permission I've been looking for to MOVE- "to get through- to pull up my big girl britches, turn up my music and SLAY."
This book came to me during a low point in my depression (a story for another time) and for the first time in a long time, I felt..for lack of a better phrase- washed clean; as if I could start brand new. After drying off my face I opened the shades to let the light in, figuratively and literally. It wasn't sunny, in fact it was quite gloomy outside but I still wanted what little daylight I could get.
Once I did that I took a good look around, took inventory of what needed done and got to work. My newfound motivation kept me going for the rest of the day! My home was clean, my life was organized, and I felt as if I could finally breathe. 

 Lastly, after reading this book, I was left thinking about my own journey, my own life choices, and what I can do to improve upon them. Topics such as, vision boards, time management, and forgiveness were areas I wanted to delve deeper into after and it has led me on the most amazing journey of self-discovery,  self-discipline, confidence, you name it! Rachel Hollis just released a follow up book called Girl, Stop Apologizing! and I cannot wait to get my hands on it!  

Have you read, Girl, Wash Your Face? What are your thoughts on it? Leave a comment and let us know!

Want to see what else I've been reading? Check out my other book reviews in the, 'Have You Read..' blog series!

Stay Awesome Bookworms!

Reluctant Readers: 12 Ways to Get Them to Read

Reluctant Readers: 12 Ways to Get Them to Read

Do you have a child who hates reading? A child who thinks reading is "boring" and "not fun"? Have you ever wondered how you can get your child to read more and actually enjoy it? Reading is a passion of mine! For some, it's a little more difficult to get into the right mindset to enjoy reading. I had the opportunity to work with children between preschool and 5th grade during my childcare teaching years. This experience has taught me a lot in getting reluctant readers to read. Below I will be sharing some of what I have found that worked in getting reluctant readers to read.

Make Time for Reading

Making time for reading may seem like a no brainer. Unfortunately, for those who have busy, hectic schedules it can be difficult to fit reading time in. If you try to squeeze reading in between school and sports the child may not retain as much of what they are reading. They would be more tired from school-possibly cranky-and excited over going to what ever their extra curricular activity is. So then, Set aside time to just relax and read when planning your week. Doing this ensures there is no pressure and it would be more enjoyable for your reluctant readers.


Next, reading-a-loud has many great benefits to both the listener and the speaker. The National Education Association says,"children who are read to at home have a higher success rate in school.". Reachoutandread.org says that, reading-a-loud:
  • Builds motivation, curiosity and memory
  • Helps children cope during times of stress or anxiety
  • Take children to places and times they have never been enlarging and enhancing their worlds
  • Creates a positive association with books and reading
Statistics show that children's interest in reading a book outside of school drops dramatically (54/100%) by grade 4. Why? In this case, parents stopped reading to their kids. Conversely, don't you listen to audio-books?? Thus, the narrator is reading aloud to you!! ;-) Audio Books are a great way to get your reluctant readers to read!!

Create a Special Reading Area

Do you normally read in bed? Or maybe you have a big, comfy, oversized chair that you snuggle into with a good book? Well, just like us adults, children like to have special reading areas too. Creating a cozy place for them to use is one of the best ways to get a reluctant readers to read. Some ideas could be an indoor tent or remove the closet door and turn it into a mini reading nook!

Have the Correct Reading Level Available

However, Some times children are reluctant readers simply because they are struggling. Consequently, Either the books are too hard or they are too easy. Ensuring that your child has the appropriate reading level accessible is a must. It will help give them confidence in their reading ability. In turn, make reading more enjoyable. Especially once they can understand what they are reading and relate to the books on a personal level.

Have a Variety of Books Available

As a rule, I would also make sure to have different types of reading material on hand, such as comic books, magazines, fact books, and autobiographies. Besides, having a variety to choose from keeps things interesting and also keeps them motivated! The same can be said for children. Especially, since they are just finding out what they like and don't like. Having a variety of books on the topics that are interesting to your reluctant readers, is a good place to start. In brief, you never know when something will spark an intereset for them! Likewise, giving them the ability to make their own choices will also take the pressure off of them. It's a win-win in my book!

Have Older Children Read to Younger Children

Having your reluctant readers, read aloud to their younger siblings can help get them more into reading. As a result, siblings, are not only bonding, but your reluctant readers gets a sense of accomplishment. Particularly, if they feel like they are being treated "like an adult". Having your reluctant readers read aloud to, a class of younger children, gets them excited to read too. Mainly for the change in routine and that it breaks up their day. Consequently, nothing is more boring than a day that just drags on and on..

Buddy Reading

Buddy reading is where you pair your reluctant readers with other readers (usually an older reader) and take turns reading. Each person can read every other sentence, paragraph, or page. They can decide for themselves how they want to divide up their chosen book. Also, there are books specifically designed for buddy reading called, Duel Readers. Furthermore, they feature two sections of text - one simple line at the top and a further detailed line at the bottom. For an example of what this looks like, click here!

Let Them See YOU Reading

The best way to encourage your reluctant readers to read, is simple: Let them see YOU reading! This works no matter what age your kiddos are. Younger children will want to copy and mimic everything you do, getting them in the habit of "reading" early. For older kids, figure out what they are interested in and have your own little bookclub with them! Showing an interest in THEIR interests will go along way. Together with, being able to talk about what they are reading, it will make them a lot more comfortable sharing it with you.

Leave Them Wanting More

Usually, this can be done several ways, but today I am only giving the one example. Pick out a funny book, and read aloud the first page or chapter. Assuming the child is listening and laughing along with your reading, you finish your sentence and stop. Put down the book, and tell them they will have to read the book to see what happens next. Don't expect them to pick up the book right away. The wonder of what happens next in the story line will have reluctant readers coming back for the rest!

Visit the Library-Often

This is one of my very favorite options. Going to the library often can naturally intice your reluctant readers to find something that peaks their interest. Wether it's the new display of graphic novels , or the newly released books in the teen center. Your kiddo will inevitably be drawn to whatever catches their eye.


Generally, libraries occasionally offer incentives for reading. Namely, the IndyPL Summer Reading Program. For example, they gave admission tickets to local attractions and coupons or more books as rewards! This past summer, my kiddos were able to get tickets for the museums, the zoo, coupons, and lots of new books and toys! Just for reading! Likewise, there is also the "Book It Program" through Pizza Hut! Similarly, they set a goal to read a certain number of books and when they reach that goal they can receive a free personal pizza!! (what kid doesn't like pizza??) In this case, I remember doing the "Book It Program" as a kid and I was able to earn a medal -that I still have- and a free pizza!

Make it Fun for Your Reluctant Readers!

Above all, make reading fun! Create a sticker chart together to track your reading (a type of reading log). Both of my kids LOVE stickers! I will be doing this for both of them this month as a way to get over the winter slump. Also, we have found that my toddler loves when we use finger puppets and funny voices while reading aloud to her! You can create fun, engaging activities that are tied to the theme/topic/character of the book to bring the book to life! Furthermore, to make reading fun, read the book and then watch the movie!! I still love to do this one! It helps readers to think critically about what they are reading and apply it to their every day life.

Happy Reading!

In short, those are the 12 ways to get your reluctant readers to read! I hope that some of these help you on your journey of encouraging your reluctant readers. Do you have more ideas on how to make reading fun? Share them below and let's help each other out!

Vision Boards: How-To Define Your Best Year Yet!

Have you ever set specific goals to be accomplished by the end of the year, only to give up on them after a couple months?  It happens to me EVERY year. As a result, this year I have done a lot of self-reflection. Particularly reflecting about Jesus, my health, my relationships, and my career. Through all of my self-exploration and research of how to actually achieve my goals, one thing stuck out to me. Vision Boards! (This was just what I had been missing!) I'm a very hands-on, visual, creative person and Vision Boards sounded right up my alley! In short, after completing my very first Vision Board, I knew I had to share this fun and inspiring idea! Here is my How-To for creating vision boards to help others reach their goals!

Step 1: Materials for Vision Boards

To begin with, you should gather supplies. You will need a Poster board, cork board, foam board, or whatever you want to use as your board. Consequently, I used a file folder spread open simply because that is all I had on hand at the time. Glue sticks (or push pins if you decide to go with a cork board) and Scissors are necessary materials to cut and glue pictures and words from magazines to make your Vision Board. In the meantime, you'll want to gather magazines pertaining to your goals and that have big, bold images and titles. Examples of the type of magazines you can use: Oprah Magazine, Women's Health, Parents, Forbes, Sunset Magazine, etc.

Step 2: Reflection Strategy for Vision Boards

Next, in order to find the right kind of magazines for your Vision Board, you need to think about your goals. What did you experience and accomplish? For example, I wrote out what all I had accomplished to-date and then wrote a letter to myself about my tenacity. This really helped get me into the right frame of mind for preparing myself for a great new year! In addition to finding what you're good at, enjoy doing, what you're not good at, and what is holding you back you will be able to get a good idea of where you are and where you want to be.

Step 3: Reflection Questions for Vision Boards

Us momma's don't stop and reflect on the progress that we've made and what we're capable of nearly enough! In this journey of self-reflection for our Vision Board, ask yourself these questions. What have you accomplished this year? Is there a specific direction do you want to take your life next? What do you want to change? Would you do something differently -if there was nothing holding you back? Were you surprised at how much you've accomplished? I know I was!

Step 4: BHAG for Your Vision Boards

Most importantly, being clear on your next Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal/s (BHAG) will help you to create your Vision Board. However, if you are anything like me, you have a long list of goals you want to accomplish or things you want to do but, setting a lot of goals at once means you end up doing too much and accomplishing nothing. As a rule, I would just choose 1-3 BIG goals based on your reflections. As a result, it will be so much more satisfying to be able to look back at the end of the year and see how hard you worked. Including, what all you have accomplished.

Step 5: Making Your Vision Boards

Finally, now that you have defined your BHAG's, you can go through the magazines and cut out images and words related to your goal/s. Generally, if you can't find something specific that you're looking for- just write or draw it in! That would make it that much more special and important! Thus, once you have attached your pictures and words to your board, you will have successfully made a Vision Board!! Make sure to place your vision board where you can see it and reflect on it daily for inspiration and encouragement. So then you can look upon your board and reflect on how your year went! Particularly, at the end of the year. Fun, right?!

Final Thoughts

Creating a Vision Board has been the most fun, rewarding, and thought-provoking thing I have done in awhile! I have definitely learned a few things about myself that I will be working on this year. I cannot wait for you to create your best year yet! For a more in-depth reflection check out my FREE Reflection Worksheet! Share your Vision Boards with us in the comments! To see my Vision Board head over to my Instagram @shannonsbooks!

6 Benefits to Joining a Book Club

What is a Book Club & Why You Should Join One

For those of you who don't know, a book club is a group of people who meet to discuss and review books. For instance, I am a member of the Indy Momprenuer's Book Club (pictured) and we meet up to discuss entrepreneurial related books! (How fun is that?!) Book club's have a long history and even some fame!! (but we'll save that for another day 😉) The big question is WHY should you join one? My answer to this question is always the same, "Well, why not?!" I realize, though, that others may need a more in-depth answer so I have compiled a list of 6 great benefits to joining a book club!

According to Merriam-Webster, companionship (also known as fellowship, community, society, camaraderie, etc.) is "the good feeling that comes from being with someone else" and/or a group. You get the opportunity to socialize around a common interest. For instance, Tracy Mumford (MPRnews) has found that "some clubs are intensely literary, some strictly online, some mystery, some themed, some more Chardonnay than Charles Dickens." No matter what interests you, there is a club for you!!

Expand Your Literary Range

Book clubs give you the chance to discover selections of books that you'd never choose on your own. Now, this may seem off-putting to some who are particularly attached to their favorites, but honestly, you'll never truly know if you like something until you try it. I was never one to voluntarily read self-help, motivational, entrepreneurial, etc. type books for fear of being bored to tears, it putting me to sleep so I would end up not finishing it..but with the book club I am in I have found to actually enjoy those types of books! Who'd have thought, right?! (Keep a look out for my book reviews!)

Provide Motivation and Encouragement

On the off-chance that you do find a book particularly challenging or when your life gets pretty busy, your book club is there to help motivate you and encourage you to get through it. You get to know each other and support each other and this is where you really see fellowship/community come into play with book clubs.

Promote a Deeper Understanding

Have you ever read a book a second time and came across something that makes you think, "how did I miss this?!"? Discussions can cultivate a deeper understanding of the book and can bring up points that you may have missed during your own read through.

Learn to Read Critically

According to the University of Toronto, "critical reading is a more active way of reading. It is a deeper and more complex engagement with a text. It is a process of analyzing, interpreting and, sometimes, evaluating. When we read critically, we use our critical thinking skills to question both the text and our own reading of it." For a more in-depth look at critical reading click here.

Enhance Your Communication Skills

If you are anything like me, an introvert, public speaking, speeches, group discussions, and even a one-on-one conversation can be difficult. But when you read something that sparks an interest in you, words can't help but to spill out at some point and the more you share your opinions with the group the better your communication gets!

As you can see there are many amazing benefits to joining a book club and there are so many different clubs that you are bound to find one that interests you. Can't find one? MAKE ONE!! Start your own book club and run with it! If you thought of more benefits to joining a book club feel free to comment them below! Have your own book club or belong to one? Let us know! We'd love to hear from you!

Keep Reading Friends!!


Have You Read.. Volume #1

Have you read.. 📖 📖 📖 📖 📖*  

*My Rating: 5 out of 5 Books!
(instead of stars😉)

Randi Zuckerberg's Pick Three: You Can Have It All (Just Not Everyday)

When your friend walks up to you and says, “I got the idea to
start this book club from my hero, Buffy the Vampire Slayer… Or Sarah Michelle Gellar, whichever you prefer to call her. She just finished reading Pick Three and highly recommends it!!!!” the only thing left for you to do, is agree with her. I’m not going to lie-Buffy is AWESOME and for those of you who don’t know who Buffy is, let us know! We will educate you..LOL!

The subject of this Self-Help book is what really caught my eye. The theory that you can have it all, just not every day.
Randi Zuckerberg (Creator of Facebook LIVE!!) says, “that whatever situation we find ourselves in there is a common denominator: the incredible pressure to balance everything we need, have, want, and to get it perfectly right-or Else.”

Grab your copy today by clicking HERE!
Photo Credit: Amazon.com

This is definitely true for me. I struggle everyday with balancing mom duties, household duties, fitness duties, etc...the list just goes on! Add in the mental roadblocks and everyday becomes that much harder. 

The author makes a great point in that when you are juggling, say, 5 different balls/projects/demands/etc, you are pulled in so many different directions at the same time that you don’t really accomplish anything in any of those areas, whether it be from stress, fatigue, anxiety.. BUT. If you focus on just 3 areas and do them well you succeed/accomplish a lot more.  AND my favorite part- there is NO GUILT for not picking something as one of your three that day because you can just pick it tomorrow! 

Unfortunately, if you are anything like me, than this is a habit that needs to be made/ or broken depending on how you look at it, because I am extremely hard on myself, as well as battle with anxiety, depression, and PTSD.  As difficult as this sounds, I want to give it a try! Anything to make life just a little bit easier!! 

Let me know what YOU thought of the book in the comments below!! I'd love to hear from you!!

Stay Awesome Bookworms!!
For a more in-depth look of this awesome book, check out the YouTube video below where author and speaker Elizabeth Gould interviews Randi Zuckerberg on #PickThree!

This site may contain links to affiliate websites, and we receive an affiliate commission for any purchases made by you on the affiliate websites using such links. Click HERE to view our full disclosure policy.

Meet the Bookmom

Hey there! 

I'm Shannon, the creator of this fun, new blog, the S word: confessions of a bookmom! I am a 31 year old stay-at-home-mom for two AMAZING kiddos; Diana-2 & Clarence-10. I am married to my best friend, celebrating our 3rd year married and 4th year together. We also have a pair of twin cats that we rescued as kittens, named Sam and Dean (any Supernatural fans here?!)

I absolutely LOVE books!! 

Ever since I was little you could always find me reading a book. I have read across many genres and authors and have loved them all! My absolute favorite author is Nora Roberts! (there will be more about her in later posts!!) I also have a tendency to read more than one book at a time. For instance, I am currently working my way through Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, I'm That Girl by Alexis Jones, and Storm Front by Jim Butcher

I am an advocate for Mental Health

I suffer from PTSD, Panic Attacks, Anxiety Attacks, and Depression. These are not as severe as some but can be just as debilitating none-the-less. I am a work in progress and everyday is a new day! (If you suffer from any of the above please know that it's okay to reach out to someone for help!)

Communication is the key!

This is my first blog, EVER, and I am learning as I go so feel free to comment and reach out to me;even if you disagree! I strive to see things from all perspectives! Topics I plan to cover include, but are not limited to,all things BOOKS and book related, authors, events, places we've visited, mom-life, work-life balance, self-care, and more! 

If you have any questions, suggestions, or complaints please don't hesitate to email me at shannonsbooks.ubam@gmail.com! You're feedback will help me develop this blog and my knowledge bank (because I am not perfect nor do I know everything, haha).



Have You Read.. Volume #2

My Book Rating: 📔📙📕📗📘 5 out of 5 Books! (Instead of stars 😉) A Book Review of Girl, Wash Your Face (Rachel Hollis) ...